Wednesday 25 July 2012

assalamualaikum ... its has been two month maybe i didn't write anything in my blog ... ksudahnya berhabuk sudah ... haha .. i dont  know where i should begin with my story ... just nk share something jaa kowt ... almost one years aku jadik mak janda taw !! hahaha.. wow ... dashyat kn .. sejak bila entah i tied a knot with someone .. hewhew .. tak taw laa.. merapu jaa kowt ... about  my life now .. much much better than bfore this .. kpala hotak dok serabot pikiak nth bukan bukan .. ksudah nya palajaran nth apa apa jaa ... but .. NOW ... Alhamduillah .. everthing is OVeR ...  take the past as guide line for me to be better person ...  maybe this is what we called as FATe ... so .. satu AZAM baru since jadik mak JANDA niyh.. cek nk habak mai.. InsyaAllah ... atas restu Allah .. i will follow the way  Irma hasmie  meet her husband ... just a sweet story that make me really impress ... the way diaorg jumpa .. brkenalan and lastly .. their end up the relationship with something that make them much much near to get the JANNAH.. InsyaAllah .. i pray for both of them ... Always... i will..

Bila cek dok bukak mukabuku sjak bapa hary niyh .. tngok kawan kawan suma da tunang .. ada yg da kawin.. and more advance ada yg branak pinak pown.. muahahah .. sweet nya laa tengok hampa naa  bahagia naa ngn pasangan hampa .. cek doa kn kowg bahagia slalu ..Amin ... the truth is.. i'm sooooo jealous  .. laa  ... turn cek bila naa nk sampay.. bila ada yg nk dtg minang cek .. tak dak pown.. pnat aihhh tnggu .. * mood flirting flirting sat naa ... haha ..
ok laa .. cek nk beredar dluw.. nt cek smbong ag naa.. nk wat homwork sat .. bubyeeeeee <3